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Understanding Gametogenesis Abnormalities and their Effects

Human reproduction can not be separated from various processes that occur in the body, including gametogenesis. Abnormalities in the process of gametogenesis will disrupt the process of production and development of reproductive cells. Gametes are unpaired cells, and are formed for reproductive purposes. Gametogenesis includes the formation of sperm and egg cells. The process of gametogenesis in women is called oogenesis, whereas in men it is called spermatogenesis.

Gematogenesis Process

At the beginning of the process of gametogenesis, primitive cells carry 46 chromosomes, both male and female primitive cells. These chromosomes will later affect hair, eyes and skin color, height, bone structure, and gender. The duration of the process of gametogenesis is not the same between men and women. In men, the process of meiosis occurs within a few days. Whereas in women, the process of meiosis will be delayed up to several years, and only continues when puberty. In women before puberty, these primitive cells undergo mitosis (the process of chromosome duplication). Then after puberty, these cells will undergo a process of division (meiosis) into two, each of which carries 23 chromosomes. After the meiosis stage, sex cells will develop into ovum. Whereas in men, the process of meiosis occurs twice, and lasts a short time without delay. The end result is 4 cells carrying 23 chromosomes which will develop into sperm.

Gametogenesis Abnormalities

The process of gametogenesis, both oogenesis and spermatogenesis, has their respective grooves. If there are disturbances at these stages, it can cause abnormalities in a person's sex cells. There are several things that can occur in gamete cells due to gametogenesis abnormalities:
  • Morphological abnormalities

  • In this condition, it means there is a deformity of the reproductive cells. An abnormal form of spermatozoa, for example sperm cells that have 2 tails or 2 heads, is one of the consequences of gametogenesis abnormalities in men. Although it can be found in normal conditions, if the amount exceeds 20%, it can affect fertility or fertility. Then in women, morphological abnormalities can occur in oocytes that fail to develop, and certainly will cause interference in fertilization.
  • Chromosome abnormalities

  • Chromosomal abnormalities occur during meiosis, precisely when the distribution of chromosomal material between gametes. Chromosome abnormalities are divided into two forms, namely abnormalities on the autosomal chromosome and abnormalities on the sex chromosomes.
Abnormalities in the autosomal chromosome can occur due to lack of chromosomes to 45 or called monosomies, and due to excess chromosomes to 47 or called trisomy, from the normal number of 46 chromosomes which is a mixture of 23 pairs of genes. While abnormalities on the sex chromosome occur when there are cells that do not get a sex chromosome, while others have 2 sex chromosomes, at the time of division. The existence of gametogenesis abnormalities is one of the causes of disorders in fertilization, as well as fetal growth if fertilization occurs. Gametogenesis abnormalities are also one of the main causes of miscarriage and fertility disorders. If there is a history of genetic abnormalities in the family due to gametogenesis abnormalities, it is advisable to consult the doctor so that proper examination and treatment can be done, before planning a pregnancy.
